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Would LOVE to see her ass cheeks shaking like mad while pounding her from behind.

You look so pretty, i love to kiss you ,actually eat your lips and suck your tongue ,Wonderful tits, can I suck them for u, actually I want u to suck them with me then we kiss, i go down kissing to smell your pussy and eat it, turn u around to kiss your ass and lick your ass hole, would u open ass cheeks to help me? That look so tasty and delicious, love to kiss and eat your juicy pussy, lick thighs then go all the way to your ass hole, would u let me lick your ass hole and push tongue inside u? First night i want you all to myself, then i have you pick a number 1 thru 10, the surprise is that whatever number she picks is how many guys i tell to join us. Stunning lady. Husband must be very Lucky Having such a HOT wife. And most exciting is that every men looks at her on the street and most of Them gettin hard. I know a few guys i was in the arm with we get together sometimes with a slut and spend a weekend using her.